Bella Kai's Journey: Some Positive Signs...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Some Positive Signs...

First, let me say, thanks to all of you who have taken a moment to read Bella's story and thanks to all of you who have had such kinds words of support for our family.

We made it through the week of diagnosis and now that the shock has settled, we have been focusing on enjoying our family and all the wonderful moments our children bring to us.  We had a GREAT weekend! Bella and Zack joined us at a fabulous Graduation party where Bella ate MORE than I have seen her ever eat!  Must have been all of Dorothy's amazing food.  I really think Dorothy needs to move in and cook for Bella (and us! xoxox) And to top off the weekend we hit the beach, which is always Bella's favorite.  Zack is getting used to it a bit more and as soon as he can get used to the sand on his feet we will be in good shape.

Now to the update... Bella has been on anti-seizure medication for almost a week.  Since she began to take it, we have started to notice some unique things... first, she has been bum scooting much less and has really preferred to get up on all fours and attempt a crawl!  She will even sit back on her feet and lift to a full kneel position and hold it for a few seconds.   In addition, I turned around to find her at the screen door up on her knees with her hands against the screen..she basically pulled up to the kneel without hands.  All of this is very big for us as there has not been much progress for what seems like months.

We have also noticed that Bella is trying to sound out words more.. she will make the "P" and "B" sound and has even surprised us with calling out "Pop" when trying to get Popi's attention.  She responded to me cutting her food with "Cut".  Little miracles.. that I pray continue.

You see, this was the hope, that the anti-seizure medicine would stop those "blips" and perhaps allow her to progress like she so badly wants to.

Some other surprising things (for those of you that know Bella well)... I found her asleep on her stomach last night.  Now Bella has HATED being on her stomach from birth... she never rolled to her stomach so to find her like that last night was quite surprising.  I was happy to see that as that must have taken a lot of effort for her to do and she did it!!

So for today... thank you God, thank you to everyone that has prayed and cared..these little magic moments keep us all going... and give us hope.


  1. I'm so happy to hear this great news! I will keep praying for little miracles.
    My love to you and yours...

  2. My first smile of the day, thank you Bella:)
